Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Honduran Tacos by: Heavy Metal Chef Lyndon Johnson

Wednesday, June 5, 2019

The Lying Wife

I am trying LJ... I cant stand not being in your life!!.. I am losing it.... I love you with all I got...I will try to not do this anymore... Please dont throw snoopy away....


Before I totally get out of your life....

Happy Birthday LJ...I did not forget you.... but feel the need to tell you one more time... bye baby I love you forever.....

Cabroni...:(    I am really going to miss you....

Nov 7 2016 8:21 PM

I did not know how to respond to the news. I went to Tony and he help me through my misery, heartbreak and tears. I guess all I could do is wish you the best of all happiness because you deserve it and I hope she treats you like cabroni did if not better. I will always regret not going to you, I really thought I was going back to you, how ironic we were just talking on friday about me getting a ticket to go to you on Monday when her check cleared in the bank. I never new you were with someone when I was going to come home. well thats in the past ....anyway LJ to a new beginning for you and your new girl.. I really hope you find all that you have been wanting
good luck in life my dear Lyndon...I will forever love you and you will always be in my heart. I love you LJ please forgive me and be happy... I will never contact you again... no matter how much I miss loss...

forever your Cabroni
October 29th 2019 3:06 PM

Please forgive me for what I am about to do.... ( I hope you find happiness with someone who loves you like I do)
I lost you and you don't want me anymore... I tried calling and you did not answer...I am alone....but no more will I have to feel the pain....I love you until my last breath....Bye baby

forever your cabroni
On Thu, Oct 27, 2016 at 8:40 AM, Dee Johnson

I am sorry I had no business to ge angry and hurt for you contacting Elena....I guess when those conversation between you both were sent to me in my private fb messages I felt like she knew everything what i did to you...well its what you want and if I am not in your life and you dont want me home ....then I wish you the best with Elena and I hope this time around you both will be happy..she is still young and you will be able to raise her 2 little kids as your own deserve to be happy and I wish it was me making you happy for life..I am so sorry I put you through so much sorrow and pain please I beg you to forgive me...LJ if you can over look Elenas mistake of leaving you and sleeping with her half brother and having kids...please over look my mistake of lying to you..please find a space in your heart for me and keep loving me there... I love you LJ so much......if things dont work out with Elena ....please bring me home to you.....

your cabroni forever...I love you my sweet LJ