Vote for Lyndon A Johnson!

Simple math says that registered voters are not voting for Laurino!
 25,609 active voters in 39th ward. Laurino won her last election with
6,275 votes and her opponent got 1,638 votes. A total of votes cast in
the 2007 municipal election for 39th ward = 7,913 votes cast. That means
that over 17,000 voters did not participate! That's almost 19,000 active voters
that are not for Laurino! If you are that angry, give me a chance and lets end this
dynasty of Laurino's that has been going on since 1964!

Write it in!

Click on a link for info:


"It's the States fault "says Daley"... "No, the City of Chicago did not submit their bills for reimbursement "says the State"! Turns out, not only does Daley not know how to spell State (SATE) as caught in a news conference, it turns out the SATE was right!

Alderman Laurino has been Part of the problem for over 15 years and 15 years under the payroll with Father (indicted) with a rubbers stamp “yes” on Mayor Daley’s agendas. If your happy with your current administration in Chicago vote for the incumbents. I offer a different approach. It comes down to spending and tax collection responsibility. I would like my City Banker to give me a list of all taxes that are collected by the City of Chicago i.e. cigarette tax, soda tax, income tax, city sticker, gas tax, natural gas tax, communications tax, income tax, point of sales tax, property tax, parking revenue tax, paid parking ticket revenue, where does my tax on my phone bill go @ 6.80 cents per month, who came up with that? where can I find a list online of all these taxes collected by the city of Chicago? Can I get a statement from our city bank? Does each tax have specific goals? Is there a City of Chicago bank account?

Let's say the soda tax collects $3,000,000 a year, does this go towards a certain city department or service that it provides? Or, does this go to one account along with all the other taxes collected by the city? I paid .11 cents on a one dollar burger today. My transaction was complete, and the merchant accepted this transaction, now where did the .11 cents go physically? Just like my bank account I can track every transaction I make with my credit card, I would like the city of Chicago to do the same with the transactions during a one day period in real time, or as close as possible. Seems like there are taxes popping up on everything we do or purchase and a hike on these can happen without your approval!

No more free parking on holidays and Sundays at parking meters, I will vote to repeal that! Taxpayers need breaks, however, this city is putting on the gas! It’s the mentality of spending that has added to the current financial situation that we’re in. (Lieutenant Governor hiring at the most prestigious hotels in Chicago).

Simple expenditures add up a lot and when you don’t bargain on the costs cause it’s not your money, that’s even worse. (The aldermanic allowances on car rentals). The fancy chairs city council and most government offices have charged to the tax payers. I just received a fancy brochure from an elected official in color and 4 pages long that clearly states that “This mailing was prepared, published and mailed at taxpayers expense” Well gee, that’s comforting in this time of cutting budgets for needed programs like education and social services! I believe that this city is overdue for an audit, a forensic audit!

I am an ordinary citizen with no political clout or power. I am considering running for Alderman of the 39th Ward in Chicago. I think I speak for many of the people in this country who are sick of business as usual and need to send a clear message and give the next non-politically connected candidate a chance. I do not have any political hookup and am not accepting any contributions. Chicago government is on auto pilot on a course to serve itself. We The People are standing back and allowing this to happen. Corruption after corruption, implications of misuse of power at all levels, spending and increased taxes that are absolutely unaccountable and absurd. There is no priority or structure to spending. If I were elected Alderman, I promise to limit my terms to 2! I would volunteer to have all conversations and meetings open to the public via video and listening devices. I would have a rotating invitation to all residents of the 39th ward of the City of Chicago to be along side of me in my decision making process so that they have a hands-on approach to what goes on behind closed doors. Alderman Laurino’s cousin and husband share their name on the office window? No friends or family will be hired by me or appointed by me. I would create a committee aimed at prioritizing spending so that people with mental illness are receiving services they need and not create a statue of some old dead person just to give some contractors something to do.The City government needs to work for us and not for themselves! If elected Alderman, I would give back to the community half my City paycheck. People ask if this position is even a necessary one? I will look into that and report back to the people. I love this City and am ashamed of the name tag it is getting. Let's change the word politics to People!

Lyndon Johnson for 39th Ward Alderman
Email: Lyndon A Johnson

What people are saying:
We need something new
Hires all her family
I just want her out of there
You don't have enough money to win
Gets enough money but does not get things done
She helped me with my problem
Lyndon Johnson is dead
It's got to be better than what we got
Let's give her a wake up call
Flooding issues, wants something done
You are all making promises you don't keep
I don't vote cause I don't believe in it anymore
She does not go to C.A.P.S meetings
My basement gets flooded all the time
I am not going to sign anything anymore
Not voting, these politicians are no good
Petitions to have lights not installed near Northeastern University ignored
Water bills, sick of it all
She does not do anything
I will still vote for Laurino, but will sign
I don't know who Lyndon Johnson is
Lyndon Johnson was the President
She only helps the Sauganash community
What happened to the referendum we voted on
I got her flyer the other day, I wonder how much that cost tax payers
(I am not gonna say that one)
Give someone else a chance
What does the "A" stand for
Nothing is being done about the river fences near playground area, it's dangerous
Vote for the same people, expect the same results
If you don't vote, you can't complain
If I sign (the petition) she won't help me
(there appears to be a fear of service cuts if signing or voting against her)
Make population of Deer smaller around Nature Preserve
We will give Lyndon Johnson a chance
A little competition is good
She can care less about people
Oh, I am for Laurino all the way
Renters votes don't count (when referring to referendums)
The 44th precinct of the 39th ward is being neglected, I should have move to the Sauganash area
(The 44th precinct is the largest in the ward)
I am a marriage counselor and we need a mental health center

My Thoughts

I believe that all referendums should be taken seriously especially when 71% of voters agree! Elected officials need to respect the tax dollar, I am very aware of a good deal when I spot one, however, some politicians go to the highest bidders to gain political favors. When I purchase something and it does not work or functions as advertised, I have no problems taking it back and fighting for my dollar value. This is the mindset that I will bring to the job. I am all for a forensic audit of our City spending and receiving practices along with looking into jobs that are redundant in this City or have little value, or can be consolidated. I would handle all calls with respect and with customer service like qualities you should expect and deserve. We all have different opinions and ideas that could change the way things are going, and I welcome them all. Making decisions is based on choices given, if I had to make a decision between fixing a pot hole in the street or helping a homeless family, I would take care of people before street repairs. Solutions should be taken care of in the manner of importance and not convenience. It is easier to fix a whole in the street than it is to help a family in crisis, but in my opinion, the street can wait! I am for family counseling centers in our neighborhoods to decrease the volatility of broken homes. There is a domino effect that takes place when a family member is stricken with a mental illness, therefore, by treating individuals, we can strengthen the family. These centers should provide counseling to troubled teens, people that have lost a family member, those that are close to loosing their jobs or have lost their jobs, substance abuse, marital counseling and the different levels and diversity and complexity of an individual with a mental health issue. I spoke about giving a portion of my aldermanic paycheck to the taxpaying citizens of our community. I would like to see a photography studio or mini band camp for kids and teens. Our community could benefit from festivities. I don't think I have ever seen a parade in our neighborhoods. There are plenty of events happening in different parts of the City and we need to bring a few in our neck of the woods. For future plans, I can see a Water park in Chicago so that we can attract families to spend quality time here in our own neighborhoods and compete with other established water parks in nearby States.

The city is made up of various departments. The city is basically managed by a Mayor and 50 Alderman. This council makes a lot of decisions that effect the lives of many people in Chicago. Currently 10/12/2010, our city is almost 700,000,000 dollars in dept. With all these departments and 50 bright people and 1 Mayor, I would like to know who was the 1st person to say "Um, Mr. Mayor, we are $1,000.00's in the hole". "Mr.Mayor, we are now $10,000.00's in the hole". "Excuse me, we have just passed $100,000.00's in the hole". "$1,000,000.00"........................Who is that person that responds to the 1st one million dollars in deficit? Would that person be fired? The answer is No! In this city, not only do people not get fired (no accountability), they often get promoted? Fiscal responsibility is non-existent! We don't even know if these numbers are real? You must be angry right about now - but wait, that's not all! despite the deficit, some Alderman spend your tax dollars on rental cars, advertisement for themselves, they get allowances at $72,000.00 dollars each with an extended $26,000 not to long ago! I guess they are not worried about the deficit and it will fix itself, or is it cause they can get away with it!

I fight for my money
and I will take the same
approach with your tax dollars!
Although the chair was over the warranty limit, I fought for the principal of getting good quality use out of a purchased product. I can almost guarantee that there are many items such as this to be discarded at the city level without a fight to gain your tax value dollar back, I will take this same mentality to a bigger level at city hall as a council member and Alderman of the 39th ward of Chicago!

The Media
If there are any stories that should be told, it is those of the politically poor. I am sure there are many candidates that will not see the light of news coverage, only the usual suspects with tons of money to spend. Poor people have ideas too! As a matter of fact, we could probably generate many good ideas since we are poor and watch what we spend. We are bargain hunters! This is one story!

39th Ward Map

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